The endeavour has always been to balance excellence in academics with creativity and compassion. The objective of education has metamorphosed with the passage of time and the need of the globe.

Our Vision

"To nurture citizens of tomorrow - rounded, rooted to the soil, reaching out to the future."
We are a school with an Indian heart and an Indian soul. We believe that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is pivotal to educate the students and get them ready to adapt 21st century skills.

Our Mission

The School mission is to provide a learning environment that encourages the students to bring out the best in them and enables their holistic development.
• To ensure an environment facilitating holistic learning.
• To foster a culture of teachers as mentors, collaborators and active participants.
• To instil self-awareness.
• To equip with knowledge, innovation and life skills.
• To encourage the realization of optimum potential.
• To prepare for risks and challenges.
• To nurture social responsibility with individuality.

Our Motto


Core Beliefs:

• It is a step into the world of quality education that provides and maintains:
...excellence driven by values
...success strengthened by ethics
...modernity fortified by tradition